Upcoming Events

November Event: Future Luxury Custom Homeowners, this is for YOU!

When: Thursday, November 10th at 6pm
Where: Alisha Taylor Interiors' Studio

7381 E 6th Ave, Suite 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Purpose: Join us for a fun night to learn from the best in the industry about what homeowners need to know and understand before building their dream luxury custom home and hiring their team of professionals. Hang out with a top architect, a luxury home builder, and Alisha Taylor herself, for a casual informative evening with drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Learn what steps to take first, discover the dos and don’ts of luxury home building to avoid costly mistakes and ask all the questions! Bring your partner to make it a date night!

This is not about hiring the companies presenting, it’s simply an opportunity to learn and come away equipped with knowledge to start your journey to a dream luxury custom home. A luxury home is a huge investment of time and money and we’ve all heard the horror stories. This night is to make sure you aren’t victim to one of those stories, but instead are excited and educated about the process. This night is about YOU, the homeowner!

Whether you have already started your house plans or simply don’t know where to start…we encourage you to join us!!! Each month we will bring in a different architect and builder but present the same information. Come once or come every month!
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